
What are we Doing?

They say a sailor’s plans are written in the sand at low tide. Boy, is that true.  Over the past month, our plans have changed about a thousand times. I think Lucas and I know what’s going on but when we describe it to other people, we feel like this… So for all of our […]

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Happy Birthday to me!

I woke up Wednesday, December 27 jumping from one foot to the other – my parents were arriving for a visit! They pulled into town around 1 p.m. after driving all the way from Michigan and it was so lovely to see them! After we finally found a parking spot, we went out for lunch

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November in the ICW

The intercoastal waterway (ICW) is a 3,000 mile system of man made canals, rivers, sounds and lakes along nearly the entire eastern coast of the US. Mile 0 of the ICW is just south of Norfolk and that’s where we started our ICW journey in early November. Right off the bat, we were faced with

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