Wowza! It is hard to believe our first sailing season is officially over. I thought it would be fun to share some of our season statistics.
Dates: July 17, 2023 – April 16, 2024 (273 calendar days)
Total Miles Traveled: 3,908 nautical miles (4,497 statutory miles)
Total Traveling Days: 101
Average Miles Traveled Per Moving Day: 38.69
New Anchorages: 40
New Marinas: 36
States: 12
Times We Had to “Start Over”: <5
Overall, it was an amazing year and we are incredibly proud of ourselves and Alaya. There were a few pretty tough days and lots of tears shed but it was all totally worth it. Thank you to everyone who leant us a hand and/or cheered us on. I can’t wait to see what our next sailing season brings!